Yoga with Vickie
Welcome! I’m Vickie Healy, RYT 500. I’m actively teaching Yoga classes live online by Zoom. I’m always grateful for opportunities to teach and share!
Although retired as a registered nurse, I remain committed to and interested in health, healing and most of all empowering myself and others in self-care practices. During my tenure of more than 40 years as a registered nurse in the clinical setting, I delved deep into the study of complementary and integrative medicine practices and became an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga Teacher. I integrated the practices into my personal life and am passionate about teaching them to those who are similarly interested.
Gentle Yoga Class*
I love teaching this class because I can creatively share my yoga practice with you drawing from my experience as a Kripalu Yoga Teacher and as a Dharma Yoga Teacher. Enjoy an even paced, gentle class. Using breath awareness throughout the practice, we move consciously in the present moment remaining connected mind, body, heart and soul. Gentle stretches and deep guided relaxation round out the practice.
This is a gentle yoga class which requires the ability to get up and down from your mat. Before you begin, gather your props. You will need your yoga mat and blanket, meditation cushion or bolster, blocks, strap and a wall to stand against for some of the poses.
Dates: Weekly on Wednesdays or Thursdays
Time: 10:15 -11:30 am
Location: Live online from Home Studio, Northampton, MA
Registration: Email me at Vickie@VickieHealyRN.com
Pay from the Heart – Donations gratefully accepted.
Yoga is Needed Now More Than Ever!
I am so grateful for all the Yoga teachings I’ve received and for my varied Yoga teacher training and experience with Dharma, Kripalu and Kundalini Yoga! Especially during this uncertain and challenging time my practice and my ability to share it with you helps keep me grounded in my body and connected to a higher creative consciousness that connects us all.
Evidence based science has demonstrated the value of a Yoga practice in our everyday lives. Some of the benefits of a regular practice include:
- Stress Reduction
- Improves Breathing
- Relieves Anxiety
- Helps with Depression
- Helps Reduce Inflammation
- Promotes Heart Health
- Helps with Chronic Pain
- Improves Quality of Life
- Promotes Healthy Eating Habits
- Promotes Good Sleep
- Increases Strength, Flexibility and Balance
*Legal Notice: Please check with your health care professional before participating in any exercise or yoga program. Awareness is fundamental to the practice of Yoga. It is your responsibility as a yoga practitioner to monitor each activity and determine whether it is appropriate for you to participate. You remain responsible for your own safety and well-being. Vickie Healy assumes no responsibility or liability for any injuries or losses that may result from your practice.